«Гуманитарий Юга России» №3 2012

«Гуманитарий Юга России» №3 2012

по-русски    in english    


To readership. The message from the chief editor 9
M.A. Borovskaya Southern Federal University and the educational environment of Southern Russia 12

Modern Russian society

Gorshkov M.K., Sheregy F.E. Russian youth: origins and stages of sociological study  23
Nagralyan A.A. To the question of modernization and Westernization: the relationship and the relationship  47
Salogub A.M. The dynamics of occupational prestige and development trends of creative management 56

Methodological problems of socio-humanitarian cognition

Lubskiy A.V. Humanization and constructivism in social sciences and liberal arts 63
Solodovnik L.M. The theoretical basis of social and philosophical understanding of ideology in the context of security of Russian society  80

Culture and globalization

Dyatlov A.V. Proprietary culture  88
Pigulevski V.O. Taste and meal 100
Srosliak G. Social-economic aspects of the modernization of the banking system in Poland 114
Filjushkina D.V. Oblivion of the "golden rule of morality" and the loss of a culture of trust in the behavior and human relations 124

Socio-political and ethnic processes in the South of Russia

Hunagov R.D. Modern personality in search of identity and authenticity 134

The word about the scientist

Gerasimov G.I. Educational ideal in discourse of theory of ideal 145
Makarenko V.P. The city as the fate: view of Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk on native Istanbul  163


Kadirov S. Scarborough I., Brusinа O. The elites of the Caucasus: facts and methodology. In the 2nd volumes. – Warsaw: Publishing house of the Warsaw university, 2012. – 86 р. 184

Universities and research centers of the South of Russia

Kramarova E.N. Publishing M. and B. Kotlyarovih: twenty years of historical and cultural formation of the image of the Caucasus  193

The books sending by edition  201

The collective of authors  205

Requirements to articles 207

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