Yanitsky, O. N. (2017). In memoriam of Raymond Pahl Whose modern megalopolises? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(16) 109-117.

Yanitsky, O. N. (2017). In memoriam of Raymond Pahl Whose modern megalopolises? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(16) 109-117.

Yanitsky, O. N. (2017). In memoriam of Raymond Pahl Whose modern megalopolises? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(16) 109-117.
ISSN 2055-0286
DOI: 10.14738/assrj.416.3602

Размещена на сайте: 09.11.17

Текст статьи на официальном сайте журнала URL: http://scholarpublishing.org/index.php/ASSRJ/article/view/3602/2031

Ссылка при цитировании:

Yanitsky, O. N. (2017). In memoriam of Raymond Pahl Whose modern megalopolises? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 4(16) 109-117.
DOI: 10.14738/assrj.416.3602


The ‘whose city?’ question is acute today. The article is a brief inquiry in the meaning ofthis question posed by the UK sociologist R. Pahl in the early 1970s and to point out thechanges in urban studies during the last decade. His appeal for a cumulative, systematicapproach as well as for resistance against futuristically-oriented market research and adictate of the developers are still valid. A growing social inequality issue is today asimportant as half-a-century ago. Describing the ontological premises of the concept ofmodern megalopolises, the following structures and processes should be taken intoaccount: modern megalopolises are the sociobiotechnical systems (the SBT-systems)dependent on the global SBT-system which in turn tightly integrated by theinformation-communication technologies (IC-technologies); all kinds of them areinterconnected by socio-ecological metabolic processes; modern megacities areinvolved into global geopolitical processes aimed at gaining new resources andpolitical domination, and post-socialist megacities are involved in it; and the strugglebetween two adversarial trends – globalization/unification andlocalization/particularization—will continue. Therefore, there is no single ‘owner’ ofsuch megacities.

Ключевые слова:

geopolitics globalization ic-technologies megalopolis metabolism ownership sbt-systems virtual reality


Яницкий О.Н.


Социология риска и катастроф
Социология пространства и города

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