Barash R. Conference Report International Summer School (ISS) “Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation”, Jena, 22-28 August 2014 ...

Barash R. Conference Report International Summer School (ISS) “Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation”, Jena, 22-28 August 2014 ...

Barash R. Conference Report International Summer School (ISS) “Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation”, Jena, 22-28 August 2014 // Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), 2015. URL:

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Barash R. Conference Report International Summer School (ISS) “Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation”, Jena, 22-28 August 2014 // Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), 2015. URL:


The international summer school organized by the Jena Center for Reconciliation S tudies (JCSR) and the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe dealt with conflict s and reconciliation in the geographical region of East ( Central ) Europe from an interdisciplinary perspective. The central question was the possibili ty of reconciliation process es for and in transitional societies that had recently experienced collapse or any destruction of the internal communication. The summer school combined different discussion forms like keynote lectures from theologians, historia ns, political scientists and sociologists, participants’ presentations o f ongoing PhD research projects, and also three parallel workshops to deepen some o f the topics of reconciliation. [1] Another important factor was the personal experience of the partic ipants, almost all of them were originally from Eastern European or post - S oviet states, so the issues like the historical past, reconciliation and transitional justice in this region were always analyzed through th e introspective perspective of personal or family experience of living in this region, full of the historical dramas and personal tragedies.

Ключевые слова:

сonflict reconciliation post-soviet states


Бараш Р.Э., Года С.


Политическая социология

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