Russian Sociology on the Move

Russian Sociology on the Move

Russian Sociology on the Move / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2010
ISBN 978-5-904804-01-5

Размещена на сайте: 07.07.10

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Russian Sociology on the Move / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2010


Russian sociology on the move is a collection of more than 140 papers of Russian sociologists from different regions of the Russian Federation. The papers present achievements of the 67 Regional Affiliations and 27 Research Committees of the Russian Society of Sociologists which are dealing with problems of social life under conditions of the processes of the transformation and modernization of Russian society.
In the seven Chapters of the book the urgent issues of economy, ecology, education and entertainment are in a focus of theoretical discussions in the social sciences. The results of applied and empirical surveys made in the megalopolis like Moscow and urban and rural regions of the Northern and Southern parts of Russia are presented for further discussions.
The book will be of interests for scholars and scientists, postgraduate students, as well as for journalists, students, managers and experts in international trade and commerce.
UDK 316.1

Сборник статей подготовлен к XVII Всемирному социологичекому конгрессу (11-17 июля 2010 г.  Гетеборг (Швеция).

Ключевые слова:

социологический конгресс


Атаян И.М., Голенкова З.Т., Горшков М.К., Гришаева Н.П., Гурко Т.А., Константиновский Д.Л., Мансуров В.А., Брюно В.В., Муханова М.Н., Попова И.П., Пронина Е.И., Ростегаева Н.И., Рыбакова Л.Н., Сало Е.П., Симонян Р.Х., Стрельцова И.А., Дементьева И.Ф., Тихонов А.В., Харниш С.И., Шилова Л.С., Семенова А.В., Позднякова М.Е., Яницкий О.Н.




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