Власть 01 за 2013 г.

Власть 01 за 2013 г.

по-русски    in english    


V. Radaev Social Responsibility of Authority: Saratov Region in the Context of the President`s Message p.4

Arrangement of Russia: Challenges and Risks

M. Gorshkov Russian Identity in the Context of West European Culture p.9
Yu. Volkov Interests of Creative Class in Public Life of Russian Society p.15
V. Babintsev Subculture of Bureaucracy: Is It a Death Sentence for Modernization of Russia? p.20
G. Utenkov Putin's Strategic Ideas and Issues of Public Administration Efficiency p.26
A. Konopkin Science as a Tool of Innovative Modernization of a Society p.30
V. Krivopuskov Trust Factor in Minimizing Institutional Risks in the System of Providing the Russian Society Consolidation p.34
I. Vasilenko, M. Abassyi Role of Political Values in the Process of Modernization: Experience of Russia and Poland p.38
A. Tkachenko Do Russian Cities Die Out? p.44

Political Processes and Practices

A. Vasiliev, V. Markov The Collective Scientific Work in Russia: Comparison of the Effectiveness of Domestic and Foreign Forms of Organization p.48
V. Gorbachev Modern Problems of Investment in Human Capital p.54

Ideas and Meanings

A. Pelipenko Global Crisis and Problems of Expert Discourse p.58
K. Gadgiev Conservatism in the Modern World: Crisis or Revival? p.63
V. Afanasyeva, N. Anisimov Nonlinear Development of a Society: Postnonclassical Analysis p.68
O. Goryainova Dialectics of Socialization: a Myth and a Cultural Scenario p.72
E. Podolko Elite Personal Characteristics: a Case of Praxis p.76
O. Fedorushkova Conceptual Origins of Analysis of the Public and Political Ideals and Value System p.79


O. Reshetnikov State and Political Parties: History of Relationships p.82
D. Ezhov The Problem of the Supreme Power’s Legitimacy in the Context of Russian Political Project p.87
A. Palchaev Interrelation of Human Rights and Collective Rights in Multinational State p.90
T. Anisimova Particularities of Adaptation of Metropolitan and Provincial Students in College Environment p.95
Z. Zhapuev Modern Family as a Factor of Sustained Development of Russian Society p.99


A. Kurochkin Dynamics of Legal Regulation of Activities of Political Parties in Modern Russia p.102
P. Merkulov Experience of Legal Regulation of Youth Policy in the Post-Soviet Russia p.106
V. Kuprina On the Problem of Constitutional (Regulatory) Justice in Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and Its Legal Regulation p.109
G. Nuriev Judicial Character of Decisions of European Constitutional Courts p.113

Ethnic Groups and Confessions

S. Pasandide Islamization of Politics and Politicization of Islam p.117
B. Gandarov The Ethnic Factor in the Islam Development in Modern Ingushetia p.120
N. Rakityansky Islamic Mentality in Geopolitical Space of the 21st Century p.123

Domestic Experience

A. Pashinin The Information Potential of the Web Resources of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as a Source for Genealogical Studies p.129
N. Shalayeva A Soviet State Holiday as а Mechanism of Formation of the Representative Image of Social and Cultural Communication (1917–1920s) p.132
O. Bocharova Daily Life of the Authority in Collective Farms: Employees of Political Departments of MTS in Everyday Life p.137
S. Tokareva Administrative and Executive Duties of Police Offices in the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the 20th Century p.141
I. Rassadin New Forms of Social and Spiritual Culture of Tofalars in Soviet Period p.146
V. Bashkuev The Epidemic Security of Borderland Regions of the Russian Empire during the Fifth Cholera Pandemia p.150 
E. Solovyova Material Support of Provincial Board Employees in Simbirsk and Kazan Provinces in the Second Half of the 19th –at the Beginning of the 20th Century p.154
A. Tkalitch Particularities of the Church and School Work in the Far North-East in the 18th Century p.157

World Order

A. Kharin Region-State: Tendencies and Reality p.161
N. Abduov Initiatives of Kazakhstan Concerning the SCO Development p.166
A. Temirbulatov Geopolitical Factors of Influence of the Caspian Region according to the US Researchers p.170
A. Akopyants Transnationalization of Modern World Political Process and «Non-Sovereignty Actors» p.174

Focus on Politics

G. Ulyanov Problem of Formation of the Modern Model of Arrangement of Ethnic and Political Conflicts in North Caucasus p.178
M. Allakhculiev Arabic Socialism in the Context of Modern Social and Political Conditions in Egypt p.182


A. Zatonskikh Citizens and Leaders in Comparative Perspective p.184
M. Krasnov Personality Factor in the Russian Power System p.188


S. Melkov Hermeneutics of the Modern Militarism: the Political Scientist's Reflection p.191