Социология: 4М. № 28

Социология: 4М. № 28

по-русски    in english    

Sociology: Methodology, Methods, Mathematical Modeling # 28 (2009)



ZAKHAROVA T.A., KUTLALIEV A.Kh. "The Method of Conjoint Analysis as a Mean of Studying Consumer Preferences": The article is about conjoint analysis which is one of modern methods of studying consumer preferences. The authors give a short review of history of the method. They also consider virtues and shortcomings of the described method in comparison with other approaches to studying consumer preferences. Conjoint analysis terminology and main theoretical ideas of the method are given. The authors also describe simulation programs which allow researchers to make predictions of market developments using different scenarios. The practical example demonstrates usage of conjoint analysis for market segmentation based on consumer preferences.

Key words: conjoint analysis, utility, consumer's preferences, decompositional approach, self-explicated approach, choice based conjoint analysis, main effects model, interaction effects model, market simulations.


SHAFIR M.A. "Correspondence Analysis: the Overview of the Method": The paper is devoted to the well-known and frequently-used method of categorical data analysis which is correspondence analysis. The method is presented in the wider context of so-called French data analysis and compared with other exploratory techniques.

Key words: correspondence analysis, contingency table, exploratory data analysis, correspondence map.


ZVONOVSKY V.B. "The "Financial Position" Questions Testing": The article is devoted to testing of the questions concerning the financial positions of respondents themselves, their immediate surrounds, the population of the region and of Russians taken as a whole. The ways of interpretation of words used by respondents were considered basing on ideas of cognitive analysis of questionnaire. Testing was carried out by the method of focus-group interviewing.

Key words: methodology, cognitive analysis of questionnaire, question testing, financial position, focus-group method, communicative adequacy.


ILYNYKH S.A. "The Influence of a Gender on a World View Model: the Experience of Sociological Research": Gender stereotypes and gender representations as existing in personal world view are analyzed in the article. The relationships of a gender with conflicting states of consciousness and with verbal behaviors are shown. The empirical data illustrate contradictions determined by gender-stereotypedness of respondents’ consciousness.

Key words: gender, gender groups, gender stereotypes, gender representations, gender culture, gender roles, gender asymmetry, world view, cognitive model, subjectivity.


LYSOVA A.V., ISTOMINA A.V. "Measuring the Parental Behavior of Punishing the Children": The paper presents the results of the approbation of the Dimensions of Discipline Inventory (DDI) developed by American scholars Murray Straus and Angele Fauchier. The reliability of this technique has been proved. The particular attention has been paying to such discipline methods as corporal punishment and psychological aggression. These types of punishment have been treated as abuse of children forms.

Key words: corporal punishment, psychological aggression, discipline, reliability of measurement technique, parental behavior.


RUDNEV M.G. "The Impact of Belonging to a Russian-Speaking Community on Basic Human Values": This article investigates the impact of belonging to а Russian-speaking community in four countries on basic human values. The analysis is based on European Social Survey data, Schwartz’s values module. Responses of Latvian, Israeli, Ukrainian and Estonian Russian-speaking respondents are described, their values are compared to Russian-speaking residents of Russia and to their consequent titular groups. Comparisons are made on individual and aggregated-data levels, employing analysis of variance and regressions. As a result it is concluded that both membership in foreign Russian-speaking community and country of residence influences human basic values.

Key words: cross-cultural comparisons, language factor, Russian-speaking community, life values, Schwartz technique, regression analysis.


KHARCHENKO K.V. "The Material Sphere of Life as Mirrored in Subjective Senses: the Experience of Content-analysis": The paper presents the author’s modification of content-analysis method. There are suggested an algorithm of revealing socially implicated subjective senses which understood as links between categories of thinking. This algorithm was tested on the base of students’ essays on the subject their understanding of what the material sphere of life means. The technique includes several stages: extraction of key categories (wealth, labor, health, etc.), correlation analysis of them, revealing the dependences between the subjective senses and social background of respondents.

Key words: material sphere of life, subjective meaning, social meaning, content analysis, categories of analysis, categories’ interrelations.


FILKINA A.V. "The Constructing of the Researcher´s Role in the Studying of Nev Religious Movements with the Ethnographic Method": The article considers the problems of ethnographic method in the sociology. Such problems as researcher’s role constructing, researcher’s ethic and attaining of researching results are analyzed. The author makes an attempt to illustrate the available experience at this sphere by the example of new religious movements researching.

Key words: ethnographic method, researcher’s role constructing, researcher’s ethic, religious movements ethnography, new religious movements.