Popova I. Russian scientists: transforming status in 2000th

Popova I. Russian scientists: transforming status in 2000th

Попова И.П.
Popova I. Russian scientists: transforming status in 2000th // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. 531 pp. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino
ISBN 978-5-904804-07-7

Размещена на сайте: 13.10.13

Статья опубликована на сайте РОС UR: http://www.ssa-rss.ru/files/File/PublikaciiROS/RussianSociologyInThePeriodOfCrisisCritiqueAndChanges.pdf

Ссылка при цитировании:

Попова И.П. Popova I. Russian scientists: transforming status in 2000th // Russian sociology in the period of crisis, critique and changes / Ed. by V.A. Mansurov. – Moscow: RSS, 2013. 531 pp. 1 CD ROM, Moscow-Torino




Over the past 20 years, changes in the status, position of the scientists professional group in Russia, under the influence of market reforms and the crisis were so profound in their consequences for the occupational structure and development of society as a whole that they deserve serious attention and study of their various aspects. In this particular case, I will focus on the analysis of work stories of researchers at the Moscow Research Institute of natural sciences profile with the Russian Academy of Sciences in context of changes in government policies in relation to science for the duration of over last 10 years. This data was obtained within the framework of a wider longitudinal study, which was conducted in two phases: 1999-2001 and 2010 (INTAS, RCSF, LSE, the head of S. Ashwin).

Ключевые слова:

professional group scientists science professional career deprofessionalisation government policy


Социология профессий и профессиональных групп
Социология науки

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