Maslovskaya E. Juridical professionalization of a Russian human rights NGO: a case study

Maslovskaya E. Juridical professionalization of a Russian human rights NGO: a case study

Maslovskaya E. Juridical professionalization of a Russian human rights NGO: a case study // The Uppsala Yearbook of Russian and Eurasian Studies. Vol. II. Edited by Kaj Hober, Anna Jonsson Cornell, Leonid Polishchuk. Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing, 2017. - 232 p. P. 148-162.
ISBN 9780854902385

Размещена на сайте: 28.12.17

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Maslovskaya E. Juridical professionalization of a Russian human rights NGO: a case study // The Uppsala Yearbook of Russian and Eurasian Studies. Vol. II. Edited by Kaj Hober, Anna Jonsson Cornell, Leonid Polishchuk. Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing, 2017. - 232 p. P. 148-162.


The article considers the proccess of juridical professionalization of the human rights organization ''Committee against Torture''. It is argued that organizational models used by human rights activists reflect power relations both within and outside the juridical field in today's Russia.

Ключевые слова:

sociology of law juridical field violation of human rights non-governmental organization public inquiry criminal trial juridical professionalization


Масловская Е.В.


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