Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia / Ed. by N. Manning, N. E. Tikhonova. L. : Routledge, 2017, 303 p.
ISBN 0754637395

Размещена на сайте: 28.03.18

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the New Russia / Ed. by N. Manning, N. E. Tikhonova. L. : Routledge, 2017, 303 p.


Presenting the findings of a major research project, this  volume investigates the regional, ethnic and socio-cultural aspects of poverty and social exclusion in Russia in recent years. In-depth household interviews and survey data allowed teams from the UK, Denmark and Russia to compare different societies and communities in Russia across several different themes: the definition of poverty in different regional, ethnic and socio-cultural settings; the reproduction and formation of poverty subcultures in different societies and communities; the ethnic/national and political values of poor people; the readiness of poor people for social protest; and a comparison of Russia with other EU countries. Offering a wealth of original data collected following a period of rapid impoverishment of the Russian population, the study considers the challenge this presents to Western European models of poverty and social exclusion.

Ключевые слова:

бедность социальная эксклюзия poverty social exlusion


Абрахамсон П., Давыдова Н., Здравомыслов А.Г., Мэннинг Н., Тихонова Н.Е., Вэйт-Вильсон Д., Цуциев А.


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Экономическая социология

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