Тема иерархии природного сущего в паламитской литературе

Тема иерархии природного сущего в паламитской литературе

Бирюков Д.С.
Тема иерархии природного сущего в паламитской литературе. Ч. 2. Паламитское учение в контексте предшествующей традиции и его рецепция в русской религиозной мысли XX в. (философия творчества С.Н. Булгакова). Konštantínove Listy, 2019. Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 69-79.
ISSN 1337-8740
DOI: 10.17846/CL.2019.12.2.69-79

Размещена на сайте: 11.03.20

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Бирюков Д.С. Тема иерархии природного сущего в паламитской литературе. Ч. 2. Паламитское учение в контексте предшествующей традиции и его рецепция в русской религиозной мысли XX в. (философия творчества С.Н. Булгакова). Konštantínove Listy, 2019. Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 69-79.
DOI: 10.17846/CL.2019.12.2.69-79


I provide a detailed comparison of the doctrine of taxonomy of beings in Gregory Palamas and such previous Byzantine theologians as Dionysius the Areopagite and Gregory of Nyssa. I examine David Dishypatos’ teaching on taxonomy of beings as well. The study shows that Palamas partly shifted natural abilities in relation to the kinds of created beings which possess them compared to Dionysius: in the Dionysian hierarchy of naturally participating beings, intellectual ability was typical for the angelic (intellectual) powers, while rational ability was typical for the humans. In Palamas, intellectual ability was typical for the humans, while spiritual natural ability was typical for the angelic powers. I observe the reception of Gregory Palamas’ teaching of taxonomy of beings in Russian religious and philosophical thought. In this regard, I consider Sergei Bulgakov’s philosophy of creativity. I believe that the fragment from Palamas’ “The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters” (PG 150, col. 1165 = Saint Gregory Palamas. The One Hundred And Fifty Chapters. Sinkewicz, Robert, a critical edition, translation and study. Toronto, 1988. P. 156) was essential for the formation of philosophy of creativity offered by Bulgakov in his “Unfading Light. Contemplations and Speculations”. In addition, I offer revisions of Bulgakov’s translation of this Palamas’ fragment.

Ключевые слова:

gregory palamas david dishypatos sergei bulgakov taxonomy of beings participation energies essence palamism creativity


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