Ryazantsev I.P., Podlesnaya M.A., Pisarevskiy V.G. Spiritual education of the Russian Orthodox Church: challenges of secularization. In: Religiosity, Spirituality and Alternative Religious Movements, Peter Kondrla (ed.). Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitra, 2020. P. 121-140.

Ryazantsev I.P., Podlesnaya M.A., Pisarevskiy V.G. Spiritual education of the Russian Orthodox Church: challenges of secularization. In: Religiosity, Spirituality and Alternative Religious Movements, Peter Kondrla (ed.). Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitra, 2020. P. 121-140.

Ryazantsev I.P., Podlesnaya M.A., Pisarevskiy V.G. Spiritual education of the Russian Orthodox Church: challenges of secularization. In: Religiosity, Spirituality and Alternative Religious Movements, Peter Kondrla (ed.). Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitra, 2020. P. 121-140.
ISBN 978-80-558-1595-4

Размещена на сайте: 24.11.20

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Ryazantsev I.P., Podlesnaya M.A., Pisarevskiy V.G. Spiritual education of the Russian Orthodox Church: challenges of secularization. In: Religiosity, Spirituality and Alternative Religious Movements, Peter Kondrla (ed.). Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitra, 2020. P. 121-140.


The article is based on the materials of empirical sociological research conducted by the authors at the universities of secular and religious orientation in 2012 and 2018. The emphasis is made on the results of the survey data analysis of seminarians in Moscow and St. Petersburg theological academies. As a theoretical basis, the concept of the ontological nature of secularization of Milbank and Church secularization of C. Taylor was used, which allowed us to consider the consequences of reforming the system of spiritual schools in the context of secularization of Church institutions. The article introduces the reader to the ideas of seminarians about their future professional and educational strategies, their assessment of their own socio-political activity, the attitude of students to the ongoing reform of the „Bologna process“ and its implementation in spiritual schools. We also consider the features of the social environment of Seminary students, their interaction with the world, the search for authorities and the place of spiritual mentors among them. The article also provides an analysis of the Charter documents of the Russian Orthodox Church, which allow us to clearly see the position of the Church in the process of reform and to see how is it consistent with the attitude of the students themselves.

Ключевые слова:

higher spiritual schools seminarians church secularization modernization russian orthodox church educational reform „bologna process“


Рязанцев И.П., Подлесная М.А., Писаревский В.Г.


Социология религии

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