Andreev A.L. Intellectual environments: The conceptual perspective as viewed by a sociologist

Andreev A.L. Intellectual environments: The conceptual perspective as viewed by a sociologist

Andreev A.L. Intellectual environments: The conceptual perspective as viewed by a sociologist // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences March 2015, Volume 85, Issue 2, pp 140-146. Original Russian Text © A.L. Andreev, 2015, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2015, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp. 321–328. SpringerLink. URL:
ISSN 1019-3316

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Andreev A.L. Intellectual environments: The conceptual perspective as viewed by a sociologist // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences March 2015, Volume 85, Issue 2, pp 140-146. Original Russian Text © A.L. Andreev, 2015, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2015, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp. 321–328. SpringerLink. URL:


For representatives of the scientific community, the role of the intellectual environment in the development of researchers and scientific schools is obvious. However, the author of this article states that the intellectual environment is an important factor for the development of society as a whole as well. The article characterizes theoretical and applied problems the solutions to which require the “environmental” approach. The dynamics of creative intellectual environments in modern Russia is considered on the basis of empirical data.

В статье излагаются основы теории интеллектуальных креативных сред.

Ключевые слова:

креативность социальные среды интеллект creativity social environments intellect


Андреев А.Л.


Социология образования

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