Tikhonova N.E. Income Stratification in Russia in Comparison with Other Countries

Tikhonova N.E. Income Stratification in Russia in Comparison with Other Countries

Tikhonova N.E. Income Stratification in Russia in Comparison with Other Countries // Social Sciences. 2018. Vol. 49. No. 1. P. 18-34.
ISSN 0134-5486

Размещена на сайте: 13.08.18

Текст статьи на сайте ResearchGate URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325822767_Income_Stratification_in_Russia_in_Comparison_with_Other_Countries (дата обращения 13.08.2018)

Ссылка при цитировании:

Tikhonova N.E. Income Stratification in Russia in Comparison with Other Countries // Social Sciences. 2018. Vol. 49. No. 1. P. 18-34.


The previous article described in detail the income stratification model that has emerged in Russia. Among other things, it shows that the bigger part of the population forms a group with median incomes that are one and a half times higher than the official minimum living wage (MLW), this despite the widespread belief that poverty is a norm of Russian life. Moreover, the Russian MLW is almost a quarter higher than the poverty vulnerability line and almost three times higher than the poverty line for the developing countries. 2 This situation reflects the country's general development level and how Rus-sians perceive the poverty phenomenon itself, which they have long interpreted as the incapacity, because of the scarcity of money, to maintain the way of life characteristic of the majority of people [4] rather than the lack of money for physical Abstract. This article (one of a series of two articles, for the first of which see [8; 9]) analyzes specific features of income stratification in Russia in comparison with other countries (Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Mexico, China) based on data from several nationwide surveys. It demonstrates that the income stratification model, which refers average per capi-ta incomes at a specific household to the median income in a country, captures well the peculiarities involved in different models of society. It uses the data of an international comparative study, International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), to show that the Russian income stratification model is typical of Europe. At the same time, Russia is in-between Europe and the former Third World in terms of the extent of income inequalities. (PDF) Income Stratification in Russia in.... Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325822767_Income_Stratification_in_Russia_in_Comparison_with_Other_Countries[accessed Aug 12 2018].

Ключевые слова:

social structure stratification incomes social status modernization poverty


Тихонова Н.Е.


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