Социологический журнал 3-2012

Социологический журнал 3-2012

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J.C. Alexander. Cultural trauma and collective identity

The paper deals with the theory of collective trauma, which is built within the framework of the “strong program” in cultural sociology by Jeffrey Alexander. The theory highlights the importance of the trauma in the shaping of contemporary Western collective identities. The central message of the theory is the avoidance of the “naturalism fallacy”, i.e. of such a vision of the trauma, which doesn’t differ seriously the fact of collective perception from the objective event. Following Alexander, sociologically valid way to explain collective trauma should focus on the symbolic mechanisms of the creating trauma, and is driven by such a notions as code, master narrative, drama, ritual, etc. The power of developed explanation is illustrated by numerous historical cases.

Key words: cultural trauma, cultural sociology, identity, collective memory, master narrative, audience

A.L. Rocheva. Research of the experience of childbirth a mong women-migrants: The problems of access to the field

The article is devoted to the questions of physical and social access to the field in the research on the sensitive topic of childbirth in the group that is traditionally considered “hard-reach”. The discussion is focused on getting access “from the streets” through street interviews and convenience sampling together with the “snowball sampling”. The discussion is based on the empirical research conducted during summer 2011 in Moscow among migrants from Kyrgyzstan.

Key words: access, convenience sampling, street interviewing, sensitive topic, migration, childbirth

N.M. Bogdanova. “Visual sociology”: Is it a new science or a special point of view?

In this paper the notional and terminological apparatus of sociological researches of the visual is discussed. The meanings of such popular concepts as “visual sociology”, “visual methods”, and “visual methodology” are analyzed. The place of “visual methods” among the basic sociological research methods is considered.

Key words: “visual sociology”, visual methods in sociological re-search, visual research methodology.

P.V. Puchkov, O.P. Puchkov. The institutionalization of the elderly abuse prevention: An analysis of foreign experience

The analysis of elderly abuse prevention in Western countries in comparison with Russian experience is presented. To describe the steps of prevention this social phenomenon a model of G. Bloomer’s social problems is used. The institutions and organizations of the three levels involved in pre-conventions gerontology violence in several European and American countries are considered. The experience of the various socio professional groups responsible for the prevention of violence, and their interaction — namely, the emergence of new types of organ-izations and institutions, forms of professional activity, introduction of new types of preventive strategies in relation to the various groups, the development of legislative base — are analysed. Practical recommendations of elderly abuse’s prevention in Russian conditions are offered.

Key words: elderly abuse, social institutions and organizations, nation, state and region levels, social groups, systems of prevention from elder abuse, domestic violence, victim and abuser, restraining order or order of protection, legislative acts.

E.V. Bataeva. Female gerontology in TV-advertising

The paper backgrounds the necessity of theoretical advancing the female gerontology project. Two models of female gerontology problems interpretation are considered: the model of “mail dominance” and the model of “female narcissism”. In both concepts, a female appears as “visual object” the task of which is fighting against oldness and accumulation of “visual capital”. Conclusions on visual discrimination of modern woman are based on content-analysis of 245 advertising blocks broadcasted by the channel Inter in February and March of 2012.

Key words: gerontology, narcissism, symbolic capital, ageism, dis-crimination, aging.

T.G. Svetlichnaja, I.G. Mosjagin, C.V. Gubernitskaja. Sexual culture of military seafarers

The paper analyzes the results of the medical and sociological cross or cross-sectional study of sexual culture of seafarers serving at a Russian naval base. The study group of soldiers have shown the traditional stereotypes of sexual behavior: lack of early sexual debut, long lasting monogamous relationship with a sexual partner of the opposite sex, a low prevalence of homosexual and sexually risky behavior. The effect on the sexual behavior of the sailors gender, age and occupational characteristics is shown. The analysis of contraceptive behavior is made. The characteristics and problems of the sexual culture of Russian sailors, risk factors for their sexual behavior and prevention measures are identified.

Key words: sexual culture, sexual behavior, military sailors, contraceptive behavior.

S.D. Lebedev. Reflexive potential of Russian Orthodox culture, 1990-2000: To a sociological analysis of the problem

The article is devoted to the justification of the concept of reflexive potential of religion as a significant factor of its survival and social impact in the society of today. On the example of traditional Russian religious culture of Orthodox Christianity the main qualitative aspects of the reflexive capacity are shown. On the basis of secondary analysis of sociological researches and materials from related fields of socio humanitarian knowledge the conclusion is made about the trends of the reflexive capacity of relevant Orthodox culture in Russia in the analyzed period.

Key words: sociocultural reflection, reflexive potential of religion, religion, modernity, sacred relation of religion, secular culture, the orthodox culture.

G.N. Yusupova. Ethnic groups struggle for status: The role of religion

This article is devoted to theoretical analysis of the mechanisms and factors of ethnic groups struggle for status and particularly instrumental role of religion as a cultural phenomenon. The ideological foundation of ethnic status issues is considered in the perspectives of theories of social stratification by P. Sorokin, M. Weber. The methodological basis for the analysis is F. Parkin’s theory that analyzes two main mechanisms of status change — exclusion and usurpation, and E. Gellner's and D. Horowitz's theories of nationalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the main condition for maintaining (or changing) a special status of ethnic groups by religion are monopolizing resources, legitimating of special rights, and creation of unique cultural traits.

Key words: social stratification, religion, nationalism, power legitimacy.

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