Milkova M., Rudnev M., Okolskaya L. Detecting value-expressive text posts in Russian social media. arXiv:2312.08968 [cs.CL]

Milkova M., Rudnev M., Okolskaya L. Detecting value-expressive text posts in Russian social media. arXiv:2312.08968 [cs.CL]

Milkova M., Rudnev M., Okolskaya L. Detecting value-expressive text posts in Russian social media. arXiv:2312.08968 [cs.CL]
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.08968

Размещена на сайте: 28.12.23

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Milkova M., Rudnev M., Okolskaya L. Detecting value-expressive text posts in Russian social media. arXiv:2312.08968 [cs.CL]
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.08968


Basic values are concepts or beliefs which pertain to desirable end-states and transcend specific situations. Studying personal values in social media can illuminate how and why societal values evolve especially when the stimuli-based methods, such as surveys, are inefficient, for instance, in hard-to-reach populations. On the other hand, user-generated content is driven by the massive use of stereotyped, culturally defined speech constructions rather than authentic expressions of personal values. We aimed to find a model that can accurately detect value-expressive posts in Russian social media VKontakte. A training dataset of 5,035 posts was annotated by three experts, 304 crowd-workers and ChatGPT. Crowd-workers and experts showed only moderate agreement in categorizing posts. ChatGPT was more consistent but struggled with spam detection. We applied an ensemble of human- and AI-assisted annotation involving active learning approach, subsequently trained several LLMs and selected a model based on embeddings from pre-trained fine-tuned rubert-tiny2, and reached a high quality of value detection with F1 = 0.75 (F1-macro = 0.80). This model provides a crucial step to a study of values within and between Russian social media users.

Ключевые слова:

values ChatGPT social media crowd-workers annotation NLP active learning


Милкова М., Руднев М.Г., Окольская Л.А.


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