Dmitrieva Yu.V. Self-Preservation Behaviour as a Condition for Reducing Mortality and Increasing Life Expectancy. Material of European Population Conference 2020, Padava, Italy (24-27 July). URL: http: ...

Dmitrieva Yu.V. Self-Preservation Behaviour as a Condition for Reducing Mortality and Increasing Life Expectancy. Material of European Population Conference 2020, Padava, Italy (24-27 July). URL: http: ...

Dmitrieva Yu.V. Self-Preservation Behaviour as a Condition for Reducing Mortality and Increasing Life Expectancy. Material of European Population Conference 2020, Padava, Italy (24-27 July). URL:

Размещена на сайте: 21.12.20

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Dmitrieva Yu.V. Self-Preservation Behaviour as a Condition for Reducing Mortality and Increasing Life Expectancy. Material of European Population Conference 2020, Padava, Italy (24-27 July). URL:


The article reveals the features of the influence of behavioral factors on mortality and morbidity. It is determined that the behavioral factor a priori lays the terms of life, in this regard, substantiates the reasons for the importance of the study of self-preservation behavior of the population at the Federal level. It is shown that in Russian society the attitudes of selfdestructive behavior of the population are formed, while in order to overcome the negative demographic trends in Russia it is necessary to change the attitude of people to their health, with the help of the development of attitudes of self-preservation behavior. The article proposes the main task of the study of self-preservation behavior of the population to identify the role of a larger number of heterogeneous factors in determining the real, observed life of the population of different regions. At the same time, take into account that it is necessary to look not only for the immediate cause, but also for the causes associated with a complex complex. It is concluded that the lack of practical research and measures to improve public health and the formation of a high culture of self-preservation behavior of the population, put the achievement of the goals of the state social and demographic policy at risk.

Ключевые слова:

mortality morbidity behavioral factor self-preservation


Дмитриева Ю.В.


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