Власть 03 за 2011 г.

Власть 03 за 2011 г.

по-русски    in english    


V. Volokh Problems and Prospects of Migration Policy Formation in the Period of Transition Towards Innovational Economics

Political Processes and Practices

S. Ivashevsky Governmental Authorities and Science
E. Kazakova, The Role of Expert Communities of Russia in Political Modernization
A. Biryukov To the Issue of Investments Stimulation in Regions of the Russian Federation as an Interbudgetary Relationships Element
I. Melnikova Administrative Reform in the Context of Relations between Society and Authority
T. Sulima Common Supervision in the Civil Defense System: Legal Problems of Integration Process
M. Sokova Young Students’ Socialization in the Process of Higher Education
M. Kokush Logotype as a Component of Corporate Identity in Election Campaign
V. Prasolov  The Problems of Tripartition System Development in Modern Russia
M. Shamkhalov Local Self-Government: between the State Power and Civil Society
E. Potanina Institutionalization of Public Chamber in Murmansk Region as a Social Institute

Information and Society

V. Larchenkov Global Information Crisis: the Concept and a Problem of the Modern Society
E. Aralova Consciousness in the Context of Virtual World
A. Kiryushin pecificity of Use of Communication Factor for Virtual Reality Research
E. Kubyakin Socialization of the Russian Young People under Conditions of Globalization of Information Space
E. Kulikov Prospects of Counteraction to Rumours in the Internet in Order to Provide Information Security

Ideas and Meanings

A. Fomenkov To the Issue of Specific Features in Transformation of Modern Russian Nationalism
V. Baboshin The Uniqueness of the Modern Russian Nihilism
A. Kamaldinova Sources of J. Baudrillard’s Ideas


A. Volchkova The Urgency of Studies on How Do People Feel Socially and Ecologically in Modern Sociological Science
A. Permilovskaya Cultural Landscape of the Russian North as an Object of Heritage in Regional Policy
Z. Ephremova The Models of European Education in the Context of Competitive Forms of Democracy
O. Smirnova, D. Zolina  The Executive Power in France and its Role in Formation of French Foreign Policy
D. Enkhbayare Transformation of Education System in Mongolia
T. Bondarenko, N. Nikolaeva Fridtjof Nansen’s Mission to Save the Starving Population of the Volga Region
A. Abramova Specific Features of Legal Status of the Chief Executive of the Local Administration Hired on Contract Basis

Ethnoses and Confessions

A. Shapovalov Problems of Institutionalization of Islamic Education in Modern Russia
A. Koychuev The Concept of Justice in Islam

World Order

A. Gybchenko Geopolitical Appraisal of Modern Russia in Globalized World
A. Loparyov, I. Yatsenko Ethnic and Political Processes in Russia and the Problem of Diasporas in the Global World Context
A. Kolobov, O. Khohlysheva Development of the System of Worldwide Political Process Management Taking into Account the Factor of Collective Peace-Keeping
U. Golubeva volution of the NATO Strategic Concepts in the Post-Soviet Period in the Context of its Mutual Relations with Russia

Domestic Experience

S. Karpenko Denikin Dictatorship’s Military and Civil Administrative Apparatus
Ju. Kostyakova System of Principles of Presenting Information by Mass-Media during the Great Patriotic War
M. Galas State Mechanism of Regulating Labor Immigration and Return Migration in USSR in 1920s.
A. Ganzhurov The Activity of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party after Resignation of Yu. Tsedenbal (1985–1990)
Tz. Batuev Social and National Policy of the Republic of Buryatia in the Second Half of the 1990s.
L. Polyah Russian State Policy of Rising Educational Level and Professional Competence of State Servants in the Second Quarter of the 19th Century
I. Chukanov, A. Chukanova A Role and a Place of Surplus-Appropriation System in the Process of Imposing the Soviet Power in the Russian Countryside
G. Chuvardin Grand Dukes as Representatives of the Highest Level of Military-Political Elite of the Russian Empire in the End of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th Centuries
A. Biktasheva Governor’s Report as a Personal Text


A. Borisov, S. Shljakov Is the USA Army not an Army at all?
V. Ksenofontov The Great Names in History and Military and Ideological Views