«Социологическая наука и социальная практика» №4(8) 2014

«Социологическая наука и социальная практика» №4(8) 2014

по-русски    in english    


To the Reader 3

Yanitsky O. N. Sociology of Critical States of Society: Theoretical and Methodological Problems 5

Mozgovaya A. V., Shlykova E. V. Social Resources and Adaptation to Risk: the Choice of Strategy (by the Example the Social Community in the Situation of Particular Risk) 25

Kravchenko S. A., Salygin V. I. Complex Dangers and Risks of Modern Mainline of Oil Transporation 50

Sikevich Z. V. Russia in Russian self-actualization 67

Kravchenko N. Y. Civilization Conditionality of Civil Identity 87

Narbut N. P., Trotsuk I. V. Worldview of Russian Youth: Patriotic and Geopolitical Components 105

Litvinova T. N. A New Twist on the Ideology of “Jihad” in the North Caucasus: News Countering Threats 124

Golenkova Z. T, Zhvitiashvili A. Sh. Review of the Monograph of M. O. Mnatsakanyan ‘‘Global Peace and Globalist Worldview: Monograph’’  142

Ovsyannikov A. A. Review of the Monograph of S. A. Kravchenko «The Socio-cultural Dynamics of Food: Risks, Vulnerabilities, the Demand for Humanistic Biopolitics». Thoughts and Notes in the Margins 148