Babynina, L., Kartashovа, L., Loktyukhina, N., Chernykh, E., Akhmedov. F. Alternatives to staff reduction in the context of labor digitalization. International Conference Ecological Paradigms of Sustainable Development: Political, Economic and Technological Dimension of Biosphere Problems (EPSD 2021), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Edited by Eremeev, S.G.; E3S Web of Conferences 311, 08005 (2021).

Babynina, L., Kartashovа, L., Loktyukhina, N., Chernykh, E., Akhmedov. F. Alternatives to staff reduction in the context of labor digitalization. International Conference Ecological Paradigms of Sustainable Development: Political, Economic and Technological Dimension of Biosphere Problems (EPSD 2021), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Edited by Eremeev, S.G.; E3S Web of Conferences 311, 08005 (2021).

Babynina, L., Kartashovа, L., Loktyukhina, N., Chernykh, E., Akhmedov. F. Alternatives to staff reduction in the context of labor digitalization. International Conference Ecological Paradigms of Sustainable Development: Political, Economic and Technological Dimension of Biosphere Problems (EPSD 2021), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Edited by Eremeev, S.G.; E3S Web of Conferences 311, 08005 (2021).
ISSN 2267-1242
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202131108005

Размещена на сайте: 22.12.21

Текст статьи на сайте конференции URL: (дата обращения 22.12.2021)

Ссылка при цитировании:

Babynina, L., Kartashovа, L., Loktyukhina, N., Chernykh, E., Akhmedov. F. Alternatives to staff reduction in the context of labor digitalization. International Conference Ecological Paradigms of Sustainable Development: Political, Economic and Technological Dimension of Biosphere Problems (EPSD 2021), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Edited by Eremeev, S.G.; E3S Web of Conferences 311, 08005 (2021).
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202131108005


The article discusses alternative forms of employment in the process of staff reduction with the development of information and communication technologies in the world of work. Using the results of the research, the authors propose to critically evaluate Russian legislation in terms of the regulation of self-employment, consider new forms of employment and remote work, legislatively enshrined in the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. One of the problems highlighted in the article has related to the lack of necessary digital skills for using the Internet, which limits the possibilities of the population and employers in using alternative forms of staff reduction and interaction with employment services. Changes in the structure of the economy, the transition of personnel to remote work are accompanied by a reduction in the participation in the trade union movement, as a result, of which an employee may be forced to terminate an employment contract without social guarantees and compensation. The authors of the article argue that alternative solutions to regulate employment of the population based on the principles of social partnership and uniting the efforts of all interested parties - the state and society, representatives of employers and workers themselves.

Ключевые слова:

digitalization of the labor market employment alternative forms of employment


Бабынина Л.С., Карташова Л.В., Локтюхина Н.В., Черных Е.А., Ахмедов Ф.К.


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