Ryazantsev I., Podlesnaya M., Pisarevsky V. Social process of digitalization in Russia: expert opinions and features of development. In: Cambridge Scientific Collection The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalisation Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. P. 1-35.

Ryazantsev I., Podlesnaya M., Pisarevsky V. Social process of digitalization in Russia: expert opinions and features of development. In: Cambridge Scientific Collection The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalisation Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. P. 1-35.

Ryazantsev I., Podlesnaya M., Pisarevsky V. Social process of digitalization in Russia: expert opinions and features of development. In: Cambridge Scientific Collection The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalisation Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. P. 1-35.
ISBN 1-5275-6903-9

Размещена на сайте: 13.04.23

Текст книги на сайте издателя URL: https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-6903-4/ (дата обращения 13.04.2023)

Ссылка при цитировании:

Ryazantsev I., Podlesnaya M., Pisarevsky V. Social process of digitalization in Russia: expert opinions and features of development. In: Cambridge Scientific Collection The Philosophy of Early Christianity in the Era of Digitalisation Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. P. 1-35.


This article discusses research approaches to digitalisation as a modern social process. One point of view is associated with the Israeli sociologist Shmuel Eisenstadt (1923-2010) and his theory of “multiple modernities”, while another lies with his critics and academic opponents: Volker Schmidt and Thomas Schwinn. According to Eisenstadt, the European path to modernization is not the only possible one and the project of modernity itself is ontologically rooted in the religious and spiritual sphere. Schmidt and Schwinn, on the contrary, point to the universal nature of modernity, noting that it is primarily a European project and its multivariant nature is nothing more than the result of the adaptation of individual elements of the value-institutional matrix of modernity by different civilizations. Describing the key features of the social process of digitalisation, the authors focus on the relationship between social action in the social space, both online and offline. The main characteristics of digitalisation are considered, including widespread robotization, labor market decentralization, and the desire for a “technological singularity” where machine intelligence surpasses human intelligence by several orders of magnitude. Special emphasis is placed on consideration of the spiritual risks of digitalisation, including “dehumanization”, and the corresponding statements of Orthodox clergy on this issue are given. The article shows the developmental features of the social process of digitalisation in Russia using examples of relevant sociological research, including research by the Information and Analytical Center of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University. This study assessed the local population’s attitudes to digitalisation in the Kirillovsky District of Vologda Region, as well as in Belgorod Region. The article emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary study of the social processes of digitalisation and the productive international exchange of results.

Ключевые слова:

digitalisation in Russia


Рязанцев И.П., Подлесная М.А., Писаревский В.Г.


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