Социс 2015 №3

Социс 2015 №3

по-русски    in english    



2015 № 3 (371)



VOLKOV Yu.G. (Southern Federal University, Rostov-Don, Russia)

Sociological diagnosis as analytic construct

Summary. Sociological diagnosis is discussed in the context of methodological structuring. Diagnostics as a means of social cognition and evaluation arguably reaches its purposes if such conditions as structuration and coherency are realized. In author’s view, levels of sociological diagnostics embrace acceptance of diagnose method and interpretation of end results. Coherency as non-contradiction of sociological diagnosis levels raises probability of adequate description of diagnosed phenomenon (process) while lowering chances for outside ‘disturbing’ factors.

Key words: sociological diagnostics • social modeling • means of diagnostics • diagnostics results interpretation • sociological diagnose coherency

JENKINS RICHARD (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom)

The future of sociology: extinction, stagnation or evolution?

Summary. Future of sociology is discussed as well as a number of its problems discussed in sociological community building on C.W. Mills ideas formulated in his “Sociological Imagination’. Three scenarios are considered. Author pleads for joint efforts of qualitative and quantitative sociologists, for realization of principal postulate that empirical studies are the basis of sociology as a discipline, for close links of sociological theory with empirical data etc. The paper is built of the inaugural lecture as professor emeritus of Aalborg University.

Key words: future of sociology • sociological theory • sociological imagination • qualitative methods • quantitative methods


DULINA N.V. (State Technological University, Volgograd, Russia)

Between decelerated growth and regions modernization: Southern Federal District

Summary. Based on a theoretical conception of modernization as an integral controlled process involving technical and technological, socioeconomic, sociocultural and institutional-regulatory component an analysis is presented of the competitive advantages and modernization challenged in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The paper proposes scenarios and modernization stages of the macro-region.

Key words: modernization • growth • development • management • Southern Federal District

LAPIN N.I. (Institute of philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Russia)

Imbalance of modernization processes in the regions. Central District

Summary. The article deals with general aspects of modernizing regions of the Central Federal District of Russia, and more specifically with conditions and trends of modernization in the Central economic region. Technical-technological, socioeconomic, socio-cultural, institutional and regulatory components of the modernization are characterized. Possible steps of the strategy of integrating modernization are suggested

Key words: modernization • its components • imbalance of its elements • integrating modernization • steps of its strategy

KOGAY E.A., KOGAY A.A. (both authors – Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia)

Two trends in primary modernization of regions. Central Black Soil region

Summary. The paper discusses development of component parts of the Black Soil region in the context of their modernization. Two forms are demonstrated of primary modernization in the regions; outlook and limitations in the way of transformations are discussed.

Key words: modernization • Central Black soil region • indices • cultural potential • innovative activity • slow growth • stagnation

LAPIN N.I. (Institute of philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Russia)

Distances between macro-regions and integrating modernization stages of the Russia

Summary. The article summarizes the findings related to processes and challenges of socio-economic and socio-cultural modernization in regions of Russian Federation. Fractures in the evolution of the State modernization in the Russian regions are demonstrated associated to 2008-2010 crisis, as well as deceleration, unbalanced information modernization, accompanied by the socio-cultural quasi-modernization. There are observed stable distances between modernization of macro-regions creating risks to the integrity of Russia. The author proposed new insight into the stages of integrating modernization as a way to consolidate Russian Federation. Main obstacles to modernization and ways to overcome them are suggested.

Key words: Socio-economic and socio-cultural modernization • vectors of modernization of regions • stages of integrating modernization


ARCHANGEL’SKIY V.N. (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)

Assistance to families with children in Russia: an assessment of demographic efficiency

Summary. The paper is based on results of a 2013 sociological survey aimed at assessing effectiveness of recent measures in demographic policies. It is found that most effective are federal maternity (family) capital, greater subsidies to families with children up to 1,5 year, regional maternity capital and allocation of land parcels to families with three and more children. Effect of the above assistance measures depends on the fact whether the new born is first, second, third etc. child in the family.

Key words: birth rate • demographic policies • assistance for families with children • maternity (family) capital

RZHANITSYNA L.S. (Institute of economics, Russian Academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Improving position of children in divorced families

Summary. Establishment of a new government body is suggested – Alimonies Fund with functions permitting to improve position of children in divorced families, to raise parents responsibility, cut short poverty. Social aspect of the problem is immense: non-payments of alimonies exceeded one billion rubles, and number of children deprived of support is counted in millions. Legislation to collect alimonies is ineffective and must be reformed.

Key words: children • divorcee• alimonies • Alimonies Fund

SHEVCHENKO I.O. (Russian State University for humanities, Moscow, Russia)

After divorce: fathers and children

Summary. Relations between fathers and children after parents’ divorce are studied disclosing following conditions influencing these relations: child’s age at the moment of divorce, behavior of parents and other relatives, father’s preparedness to partake in child’s life, father’s place of residence and employment. Three stages in development of relations are ascertained, and types of father’s behavior in the process of and after divorce are discussed. It is noted that socialization process of children after divorce has its specifics in the present-day situation.

Key words: father • mother • children • divorcee• father-children relations • socialization

CHURILOVA E.V. (National Research University Higher School of Economics, and Center for Demographic Research, New Economic School, Moscow, Russia)

Structure and well-being of single-parent families in Russia

Summary. Basing on data of the third wave “Generation and Gender survey” (GGS), author analyzes characteristics of single-parent families’ life, structure of single-parent families, their welfare and well-being, possibilities to combine work and family. Most of single-parent families consist of mother and her minor children. Economic activity of lonely mothers is tense, but only one third of lonely mothers has opportunity to combine work and family life. Despite high economic activity, lonely mothers estimate often their well-being and living conditions as bad.

Key words: well-being • single-parent families • lone motherhood • GGS


ANDREEVA L.A. (Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia), ANDREEVA L.K. (K.G. Razumovskiy Moscow State University for Technologies and Management, Moscow, Russia)

Secular or post-secular world: verifying conceptions

Summary. The paper deals with verification of two key concepts describing development of Western world with important role assigned to religion: theory of secular world and concept of “post-secular” world. Sociological data of “World Values Studies”, 2009 wave, confirm main conclusion of classical secularization theory as applied to “old” Europe, while disclaiming “post-secular society” concept.

Key words: secularization • post-secular society • verification • values • WVS

SHIROKALOVA G.S. (State agricultural academy, Nizhny-Novgorod, Russia)

Freedom of conscience as political tool in 1980th debates

Summary. Millennium of Russia’s baptizing amounted to a turning point in changing relations between state, church and society. Religious needs of population turned to political slogans covering other issues. Centrifugal forces needed religion to distract attention from true intents under slogans of democracy, solution of international problems while centripetal forces saw in religion a force for true democratization of society and national unity. Religious hierarchs tried to solve issues of their own. Upperhand took those, who saw in religion an adaptive mechanism under condition of destroyed economy, curbed social guaranties and ideological collapse and a means to manipulate great human masses.

Key words: religiosity • religious diversity • plurality • secularization • religion’s vitality • new “paradigm”


KOKOSHIN A.A. (Russian Academy of Sciences, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow, Russia)

War and art of war: politological and sociological dimensions

Summary. The article covers the issues of the war as the continuation of politics with extreme forms of violence, as a special state of society, as a specific state of 175 the system of world politics or some of its subsystems. Also there are analyzed the issues related to the essence of victory in modern warfare, to the value of new means of warfare, including cyberspace, to the broadening spectrum of means of modern warfare, including robotics and widespread use of special operations forces.

Key words: military science • military and non-military violence in politics • political governance of war • restrictions on the use of military force • political goals and military-strategic objectives • strategic deterrence

DZHURICH Zh., STOYADINOVICH М. (both – Institute of political studies, Beograd, Serbia)

Neoliberal theory and practice in contemporary society

Summary. The goal of this paper is to demystify terms of neoliberal theory and practice such as human rights, democracy, humanitarian intervention, which represent the dominant paradigm of neoliberal theory, as well as many others that are used in order to achieve economic and political goals in international relations and politics. In this sense the paper analyzes the weaknesses and defects of neoliberalism as a defining economic and political paradigm in the past several decades. Focus of this analysis is neoliberal practice often taking form of neo-imperialism which great powers fall back upon to silence those opposing them.

Key words: neoliberalism • New World Order • international relations • neoimperialism • democracy

VAPILIN Е.G. (St.-Petersburg Institute of foreign economic links, economy and law); MULYAVA О.D. (St.-Petersburg Satet University< both – St.-Petersburg, Russia); АVRAMIUK-Godun А.; Vites Т. (both Warsaw university, Warsaw, Poland).

Reception of Russia and Poland by university students

Summary. Image of any country is taken to be a weighty factor in international relations. The paper considers reception of neighboring peoples and states by students of Sr.-Petersburg and Warsaw Universities. Prevalence of positive images of both Poland and Russia is stated, while there are also stereotypes and understanding complicated relationships between both countries. It was found out that simplified understanding of images is shaped by media, and correction of opinions is possible in live communication of the young in educational process.

Key words: country’s image • students • mutual reception of nations • history • stereotypes


FROLOV S.S. (Russian academy of national economy and state service, Office of the President of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

Emergence and development of rules in practice of managing social systems

Summary. This article focuses on the formation and development of social norms in the practice of life systemic formations of contemporary Russian society. Three levels of uncertainty of the rules in the framework of modern social systems are discussed.

Key words: uncertainty • regulatory rules of life • social institutions • social systems • social management

HUNAGOV R.D., SHADZHE A.Yu., KUKVA E.S. (all three – Adygeya State University, Maikop, Adygeya Republik, Russia)

Innovative regional management in the context of Russia identity strengthening

Summary. The article analyzes the space of Northern Caucasus, one of complex problem-ridden Russian region characterized by nonlinear interaction of ethnocultural, regional and national identities. It is concluded that ethnic factor remains dominant in the region. Authors show relevance of the synergistic approach to define the sense of modern identification processes and innovative management. This allows to determine ways of non-violent impact on identification processes in the region in order to strengthen all-Russian national identity.

Key words: identity • unity • region • innovative management • social synergetic • ethnocultural component

BONDALETOV A.A. (Russian State social University, Moscow, Russia)

Evolution of self-organization ideas

Summary. The article considers development of perspective on self-organization in sociological science. Guided by sociological theories, author denies spontaneity of self-organization of society and defines it as a steady rational interaction, which also allocates resources and types of self-organization.

Key words: public self-organization • spontaneity • rationality of interaction • orderliness


BACHININ V.А. (independent researcher)

What might await sociology beyond theological turn?

Summary. Theological turn that is a transformation of ideological and methodological structures of social humanitarian consciousness has brought about necessary and sufficient pre-conditions for rapprochement or convergence of sociology and social theology. Their dialogical interaction is able to expand boundaries of sociological consciousness, as well as to contribute to effectiveness of socio-theological conceptions as a resource in discourse of values.

Key words: theological turn • crises of sociological consciousness • social theology • secularism • post-secularity • methodological аtheism • metanoia


SHABANOVA M.A., GHITSALOVA T.A. (both – National research University of higher school of economics, Moscow, Russia)

Social economic factors for developing ethical consumption in contemporary world: Is there a future in Russia?

Summary. Results of a study related to conditions for development of an ethical consumption are systematized. Empirical study data permitted to clarify levels, attitudes and factors of involving student youth in ethical consumption practices. By means of regressive analysis we found out that a basic role in real inclusion of young Russians in ethical consumption is played by economic, value activity and institutional factors. A conclusion is made about potentialities and expansion conditions of this practice in Russia.

Key words: ethical consumption • social practices • social innovations • civic activities • civil society • students


GESHEVA E.G. (Moscow power engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia)

Education and its simulation


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